


What is Transportation? And Different Modes of Transportation.


Transport facilities toward land, sea and air, are indispensable for the economic progress of a nation. Transport toward land is also by road, rail or water. Pipelines are used for transport of bulky liquid or gaseous commodities like petroleum or fossil fuel.


Economic activity & transport
It is universally recognized that a good transport system is crucial for sustained economic process and modernization. it's also considered that transport plays a big role within the overall development of a nation's economy.

1. Transport is additionally necessary for connecting villages with towns, market centres and in bringing together remote and developing regions closer to 1 another.

2. Transport is important for the exploitation of our vast natural resources. Many of our natural resources remained untapped within the past thanks to lack Of transport facilities.

3. For detecting the frontiers, similarly as for national integration, transport is important. Quick and efficient means of transport is important for moving food grains and Other essential commodities for people stricken by floods, cyclones, droughts, etc.

Social aspects

1. Transport facilities enable people to maneuver from place to put in search Of employment and for business or pilgrimage or for pleasure.

2. People are able to understand one another and appreciate difference in language, culture, etc. the importance Of transport is very felt in a very large Country like India with diverse people speaking variety of languages.

Rural development

Only with the development in transportation facilities in rural areas there would be faster development Of the agricultural centres.

1. Transport facilities provide basic infrastructure of the event of agriculture, industry. minerals, forest and fisheries. Fertilizers, high yielding styles of seeds and other inputs needed for agriculture are sent to villages by utilizing transport facilities.

2. The event of an industry depends on cheap and efficient transport of raw materials and finished products.

3. With improved facilities for education. health care and other social needs within the villages, the urge for the migration to urban centres decreases, thus helping in balanced development of the country as an entire.


The Various modes of transport are discussed below:

Road Transport
Road is more flexibility in respect of direction, place and route. It could give maximum service. It plays a awfully important role in delivering the products from door to door. As other modes viz. Air, Water, Railway, etc. depends on road for connection, it is feeder to them further because it is independent.

Road Transport

Air Transport
It is the fastest, provide more comfort and saves time. thanks to the comparatively high operational costs, co-ordination of air services with other modes of transport is extremely limited but with the advancement within the transport technology by way of introduction cf large comme1Cial planes, co -ordinated operation may become a reality.

Air Transport

Rail Transport
Railways are a awfully good means of communication for men, material and data. It provide transportation facilities of carrying large volumes of products over long distance. Railways also carry passengers over long distances with safety and luxurythe most disadvantages is that the great deal of initial investment and land necessary to form due network. Railway transport is principally used for inter-urban transport.

Rail Transport

Water ways
Water ways are used where time isn't Of such a lot importance, Such transportation modes ate most economical.

Seaways provide transportation facilities for carrying goods over long distances and their distribution throughout the globe.

Sea Transport


The importance of roads in a very Vast country like India can scarcely be exeggerated. A system of neat, well constructed and well maintained roads is important for the country's economic and cultural progress. The roads even have to play an important role within the defence of our country.
it's ideally fitted to short. medium and long distance traffic. The long distance traffic is served by National Highways and State Highways, inter-district and intra-district traffic by major district roads, feeder traffic connecting rural centres of production to plug outlets by other district roads and native traffic by village roads and concrete roads.
door-to-door service and reliability. it's the most means of transport in hilly and remote areas. it's one in all the fundamental infrastructures for economic development of backward areas. It also provides feeder services to rail traffic, airways, and Harbours.


Some of characteristics of roads as a mode of transport can briefly summarised as follows

1. It can be used by all types of vehicles including animal driven carts, cycles, rickshaws, automobiles. passenger cars, buses, trucks. etc.

2. It is nearest mode Of transport for people or public. In fact, as soon as a man leaves his private land, he is on the public road. Even for reaching to a railway station or an airport, the passenger has to make use of road.

3. It is the only mode of transport which can serve the remotest isolated villages in our country.

4. It Offers flexibility of changes in direction of travel as per need, comfort and convenience.

5. It Requires small investment and maintenance costs as compared to railways. airports, docks and harbours.

6. It saves time of travel especially for short distances and light traffic because the road vehicles can be taken upto or v near to the point of destination.

7. During war as well as peace time, a network of roads is an asset to national defence.

8. Road transport save time particularly for short distance travel.

9. Better law and order can maintained if there is a good network Of read in a country.



1. They are essential for economic prosperity and overall development of the country as a whole.

2. They help in growth of trade and economical activities in and outside the villages and towns by establishing contact between towns and villages

3. They essential from the view point of defence and military.

4. They facilitate communication on land i.e., they make it easy for traffic to go from one place to another.

5. They help in the growth of trade and other economic activities in and outside the villages an towns.

6. They act as the only source of communication in regions of high altitudes i.e. in mountainous regions.

7. They prove to be comparatively cheaper and convenient mode of transport in many cases.

8. They provide good commercial links between cities.

9. They help in Providing efficient distribution of agricultural products and natural resources all over the country.

10. The road transportation is cheap and convenient mode of transportation in most of the cases.

11. They help in price stabilization of commodities due to mobility of products all over the country.

12. They are the only source of transporting goods and passengers where other modes of transportation are not available.

13. They help in promoting the cultural and social ties among people living in different part of a country and thus strengthen the national unity

14. They are help in enhancing the value of land.

15. They provide more employment opportunities.

16. They serve as feeders for Airways, Waterways and Railways.

17. They help in maintaining better law and order in a country.


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